Category Archives: Flight of fancy


The bad boy you liked,
Trouble had a knack of finding him

His tattoos,
You had a habit of tracing with your expertly manicured nails – you must’ve done it a 1000 times,
As he whispered the story behind each one

Secrets, he shared that said he trusted you above others,
Made you feel very special

You got accustomed to his piercings,
Nestling against your body in that way they did

Intoxicated by his caresses,
He became your addiction,
Your one good deed,
That thrilled you to repeat

Doing time, while he was inside;
Felt like you were in prison too

Loyalty, he demanded,
Which you had no qualms about

Though if you were honest,
Your eyes rested a little longer than they should:
On the thoroughly decent man across the road

Bland he may have been,
But at least he was there

You found yourself inviting him in,
And found trouble and mischief had infected you as well

Self-pity makes you forget the consequences,
Until your senses returned
And you had to admit:
The bad boy had made you into a bad girl,
Without you knowing it

You had left too many marks on the good man across the road,
For your indiscretions to be completely unnoticed by his wife,
To slowly corrupt the happiness that they had had,
And, you liked that you had

Except, you forgot that the bad boy you had liked
Was not the forgiving type,
And, underestimated the lengths a scorned wife would go
To settle scores for impertinence sakes

A recipe that does not bode well for a bad girl trying to cover up an indiscretion;
Or, an otherwise dull man sitting on a large family inheritance,
With a sociopath for a wife in disguise laying in wait,
To seize on any excuse to trigger an early windfall.


Great plains,
Frozen lakes,
Dirt-smeared faces,
Crawling on all fours,
Pledging fealty,
In both fear and desperation;
To he who occupies,
The raised dias,
Great King of Kings,
Kubalai Khan!

The eternal blue sky’s mandate to conquer,
He inherited,
The diversity of his empire,
He embraced,
Through the prism of violent barbarity of his culture,
He enforced his authority

Throughout eternity does his deeds echo,
And the cog that turns the myth into legend,
Is studded with savage barbs,
To scar and bloody any who venture near,
For all time.

Tinkerbell’s Vengence #Inverted #Fairytale


Tinkerbell’s envy has turned vengeful,
She’s taken slow-acting cyanide,
And has bloody murder on her mind,

Now with wings splattered with Peter’s blood,
She has Wendy in her sights,
A voice called out, Run, Wendy! RUN!

As Tinkerbell caught up with Wendy,
And watched her life ebb and flow away,
With grim satisfaction in her eyes,
She remembered to whom that voice belonged,
And realised she wouldn’t find the love she longed after even in the afterlife,

Tinkerbell closed her eyes for the final time,
And her body collapsed to the ground next to Wendy’s, lifeless.

The Heavenly Body! #chocolate #mystery

Swimming beneath the surface of clear blue turquoise waters,

The gentle current above casting a muriel of sunlit patterns, up and down the length of you;

As you emerge carrying a conch shell picked up trawling the seabed,

More pebbles of sea water seem to hang onto your sun kissed bikini body,

Choosing to melt away than let go;

Like the attention of passers by,

Everything seems to have second thoughts letting go of you!

Can’t blame ’em:

It’s like watching a rare natural phenomenon;

You’ve turned this borderline saint into a full-fledged sinner with that body,

And I’d take a pass on a eternity of heaven,

To have another go on the merry-go-round with you,

She’s like the finest ice cream you’ve ever tasted,

With every look and smile cast your way, like biting into chocolate bits,

Would you give up chocolate to reserve your place in heaven?

I didn’t think so!

Negan & Lucile #TheWalkingDead

Horror show reveals,
Blood-spattered consequences,
Every mad man has a madder version of themselves out there,
This one carries a barbed-wire encased baseball bat called ‘Lucile’;
The widow-maker!
Brutal wrecker of bone ‘n’sinew into pulp !
The crushing end!
Preceded by a showy extol of this baptism of fire;
That it is for a far greater purpose!
For the mad man is ultimately a showman,
With something of a car salesman about him!

He knows he must lead his band of miscreants by savage example,
For, when every form of violence is part of a daily, staple diet,
Both the living and the dead should learn to fear him and Lucile, most of all;
And, you are about to be set an example!

A ghost of a swallow on a perch,
Dark lining on a silver cloud,
See emotion drawing nearer and closing in around you like a noose,
Bringing with it the realisation for a erstwhile leader of a band,
Brought literally to his knees and facing an imminent fatality:
Your pride got us here;
Hubris, in other words,
You forgot that every action has a reaction:
Well, it is about to prove fatal to one of yours,
However will you cope with that burden now?

Submerged in a sea of barbaric violence for so long:
You thought you’ve been broken so many times before, you were immune to the pain by now,
You were wrong.

For a man is a parasite that is sustained by human bonds,
And you are about to have the equivalent of an arm deliberately crushed and rendered unusable,
To serve as a sorry reminder,
For you ‘n’ yours, and everyone else besides…
To remember:
Death carries a scythe, and Negan has Lucile!

The Trails of Sand Snakes

Whispers of the wind,

Carry across chasms,

Leaving lines etched on folds of sand,

Marking out the relief of dunes,

Steps, carved out in the shape of sand-snakes,

Traversing vast deserts;

Bearing imprints of the echo,

Left by the cries of the earth,

Leaving their mark,

Like reverberations of experience,

Casting lines of wisdom to adorn your face,

Gradually increasing their relief,

As you age.