Category Archives: Flight of fancy

Ramblers’ Love Songs

The gifted man

He carries a ukulele in his hand

Whenever the mood takes him

He takes to a lay-by 

And strums a tune that’s taken shape in his mind

He lives a ramblers’ life

And swears the earth whispers the tune to his spirit

Subliminally, between footfalls

To play it back to her to hear and enjoy

Upon a night, even the crickets have been heard to fall silent

As he keeps her company till dawn

When he falls asleep at daybreak

She keeps the shade over his eyes, 

To keep him from waking without a proper respite

This routine will continue until his final breath escapes him,

And is buried by those that find him 

To be welcomed into her arms.


The savages love you

While their tattoos mock my supposedly more sophisticated ways,

As I witness their sharman, festooned in idols that rattle rhythmically, with every jerk of the head,

Officiate over a primitive ceremony to an ominously pulsing drone, supposedly to exorcise the demons in you,

With eyes stretched wide open enough, to carry more than a hint of madness and a pinch of malice,

In that intense glare, focused with intent.

I could not help but reflect this must not have been too far from what a human blood sacrifice in years past must have been

It was only when the knife flashed over your flat body that i realised that was exactly what it was

Alas, it was too late

And both of our lives had already been deemed forefeit

Our Dance

Let me tune you into my frequency, for I’ve wondered into yours by simply watching you be

Draw in a little closer to me as you take my hand on the dance floor

And you’ll find we have the kind of rhythm that makes others stop in their tracks and stare

As we discover for ourselves that we have our own blend of body chemistry

That empties the packed dance floor save for just us two

Breathless, we leave each other as the music grudgingly comes to an end

But it is not an end but the beginning of a song only you and I can hear

With the two of us sharing the conductorship of an orchestra capable of playing the music, without end.


The Crown

A whirlpool develops around my heart,
As I watch on;
A kaleidoscope of monarch butterflies dances over her like a crown
In honour or celebration
Of a blessing from the lord of life
The rarest of sights: a natural apparition
Am I witnessing the missing link,
Between man and nature?
Then she sees me with those perfect eyes
And I felt myself being pulled into their centre
Under those green whirlpools
Into the eclipses at their centre
Only, I did not wish to come back up for air
If what I’d be coming up for;
Is a life before I witnessed that remarkable sight,
And what it means for all life.


Grace is full of knots
Ring it out, son
To find blood-splatter
Plenty here to forewarn
A man was drowning in despair
It’s like a self-fulfilling prophesy
That no one could do anything about
To save a musically-gifted soul
From his traumas
Drawing in the surrounding darkness
And forming a noose
For the reset was a drug too tempting to resist
And he was an addict of a sort
All his tragically short life

The Perpetual Stalemate

Dark clouds retreat,

Light clouds advance,

It has forever been thus, I’d imagine;

May be there is a eternal war in heaven,

With neither capable of decisive victory;

Trapped in a perpetual cycle of advance and retreat;

With only hint of the violent blood bath that underlies,

Evident at the edges of the sky,

Where they meet both at sunset and dawn;

A perpetual stalemate;

That has existed,

Since the beginning of time.