Category Archives: Society

Patience & Experience

Patience and experience,

Can you have one without the other?

Or, before you have the former, must you have a proper grasp of the latter?

Like receiving a savage beating to the head and torso:

Bearing through the pain;

While being beaten to within a whisker of meeting your maker;

And, even faced with wave upon wave of unbearable pain:

Managing to break out into a blood-smeared, broken-toothed, savage grin,

It does not make it any less painful y’see,

But it does give you perspective to abide and hope by,

To put away the hollow helplessness of before,

And mock your attacker with defiance,

To do their worst!

For, this is not the first beating you have endured,

And, though the experience left you near crippled,

You – even, now, in this present extremity – recall:

It hurt far more the first time round!

Perhaps it’s the onset of delirium and madness mixed with concussion,

But, if it provides you even the slightest hint of hesitation in your attacker,

A narrow opening:

To launch yourself  at him to rip out his bastard neck, and taste his life force ebb and flow away from him,

As he had taken great pleasure in leisurely shattering yours moments earlier;

Tables turn on occasion,

And, it is experience that allows you to judge when to time your counter-strike ;

Whereas, without patience, you would  never have reached that opportune moment at all.

A Fool’s Errand

Plenty have tried,

Few have succeeded, they say;

‘Cause, you can’t change people,

You’ll be a fool to try;

I wonder:

How are we all still here, then?

It can’t just be coincidence, surely!

Perhaps, it’s influencing the habits;

Linking need to goals;

For, people ultimately change only if they chose to,

All you can do meanwhile, is:

Earnestly, advise.

Forged in Adversity

Don’t let success go to your head,

Don’t allow failure to do that to you either;

Savage words and deeds will take its toll on saint and sinner alike,

For, the core of all men is forged in adversity,

What’s left behind, none can say for certain;

Only the principles that have guided you throughout,

Will hint at your motivation and character,

For those interested, to casually speculate upon, or not.

Trojan Horse

Reborn in a firestorm;

Trapped within the cooled embers,

Shaped into a trojan horse,

Unremarkable to look on,

Learning to observe the minutiae from the interior;

Of all the happenings in the exterior,

Unable to partake and forgotten by the wayside,

Learning the reality of the surroundings within the neglected irrelevance;

Until you’re ready to walk beyond your enclosure,

Like a child’s tentative first steps unaided,

To walk, run, work and play, avoiding the potholes;

Demonstrate the sum total of your observations and experiences,

To add your unique perspective to the mix;

And, yield maximum impact.

Standing Still

At a standstill,

Empty of thought,

A blank slate,

Like the moment before:

An artist creates,

Planer beholds,

A soldier engages,

Seeing in your mind’s eye what will be,

Before, engaging the body into action;

With competence,

Confidence and deftness,

Practised efficiency,


Channelling all your experiences,

What makes you unique in the cacophony,

Into one moment,

Faithful to the task at hand,

In pursuit of perfection,

For you (like I) owe it to justify your existence,

Even if it’s the one thing you truly believe in, or not.


Wrestling with puzzles while others sleep,

Finding solutions to problems that defeat daylight’s turn of the wheel,

For what pre-occupies are not unresolveable problems,

But far simpler questions involving choices, of degree and shades of varying options,

Courtesy of a seemingly unending revolving door of problems;

Meaning nothing to some and even less to others,

With no measurable impact on the overall tally of good or ill, I have no doubt;

But for the conscientious soul,

They are a constant preoccupation and a occupational hazard;

For, we all fall into one of two categories:

Those who don’t give a damn and those that do;

And until this constant flow hardens me beyond recognition, I find myself constantly falling into the latter;

What about you?

Lake of Salvation

Plucking at the strings of emotion,

Bringing a masterpiece casually into being,

A soloist’s rendition mirrors your condition;

Like the crown of flowers nestling on your head,

Fluttering in the gentle breeze,

Slowly loosing each of its petals to the wind,

Falling away, and leaving only stem and nettles,

To soak on the surface of a lake of tears,

Before submerging and resting at the basin to be covered in detritus,

An apt accompaniment to sudden bout of grief:

As you wade into the middle seeking elusive redemption,

From your memories and dreams, turned harassing nightmares of late,

Toward the inevitability of your own drowning,

For, the further you move out, the deeper the lake gets;

And, what you search for is nowhere to be found,

Searching for solace and meaning in a soloists melancholy,

As your tears trail down to join those of thousands of others’ before you,

Who have found themselves in a similar state,

For you are not the first, nor the last, to experience this feeling of loss;

And it is our feelings and not our memories, that are the true common bond and uniter, both then and now.


You can runaway,

You can start again,

Turn your back on the past,

And, do it all over again – and, again!

Whatever you do though,

You can’t runaway from your memories,

For we are the sum total of our constituent experiences,

If you did miraculously somehow manage to detach yourself from them,

You’ll either be dead,

And, certainly, never the same again.


Predators among us roam freely,

In search of ‘prey’:

Making lambs at mercy of wolves and hyenas of us all;

Suppressed instincts that never left us;

Corrosive tides and difficult lives,

Washing away disguises borne of lies;

Sated by voyeurism;

A precursor to a revival of barbarism;

Or, their modern equivalents:

A meditation of the withdrawn for some,

Known as ”Hikikomori’ in the East, and “Recluse” in the West;

Outlet for boredom and over-complications,

Morbid fascination turned perversion for others,

When, abnormal becomes the new normal,

And, drawn-out silences are shattered by blood-curdling shrill cries;

A chorus too frequent to be isolated,
Ineffectiveness prevails,

And, what justice there is:

Is delivered at the end of the barrel of a vigilante’s gun.