Category Archives: Day Dream



An alcove in the pulsing heart of chaos,

A conclave of sanctuary against all the ‘visititudes of life’;

A place where you keep a firm grip on sanity;

Of who you are;

Gain a sense of reassurance from that singularity;

Calm the mind from restlessness, if nothing more;

Shaking off all the ill-will and distresses of the moment;

Then incrementally draw yourself into a state resembling calmness-

Much like awakening from a vivid dream, come the morning-

An infrequent exercise, most days;

Or, a few times a day during particularly challenging times;

It serves to prove, we all need a ‘fortress of solitude’,

A place to feel sheltered to recuperate;

From this present calamity, if not from all forms of harm;

Though we’d be the furthest thing to superman as you’ll likely find!

Mr Whistler

Mr Whistler, you’re like the pied piper of Hamelin,

Except you’re a hard-hatted scaffolder whistling a jonty tune on a sunny day, in modern day Camden,

Your tune carries far and wide: like a pinball, bouncing from ear to ear of every person that passes by,

Some search you out, while others hear you long before they arrive;

A few recognising the tune, others hearing it for the very first time,

Oblivious to all of this, you concentrate on testing the bracket and brace,

While the tune may seem like magic to the gathering crowd below,

To you, it’s a subconscious hangover from a musically-obsessive youth,

Manifesting itself of late into a unconscious habit accompanying your work;

The audience can be an occupational hazard at times,

For, you get so caught up in your work, you forget they grow quite animated and carried-away,

Integrity of the structure is what truly matters to you now, Mr Whistler,

And the applause at work’s end, you treat as appreciation for a job well done,

Rather than a false catalyst for re-hashing a past chasing rockstar dreams, that is in truth are a false economy,

For beauty and fulfilment are in the eye of the beholder;

What you want and need has many layers in-between, and to appreciate the differences, takes time and the dawn of maturity;

And, Mr Whistler, has evidently learned that chasing some dreams (no matter the temptation) are not as fulfilling as he once believed them to be.

Divinity of the Dancer!

A goddess on the dance floor;

Rhythm is her divinity

If this place be the cradle of life;

And music is the root of all self-awareness,

She is the first to experience the beat of the drumming and mimic her body into motion,

Inspiring all to answer her call to arms by standing-up-right!

Many millennia may have passed since that fateful moment,

Is it still any wonder these rhythms and movement resonate within you and I?

Her acolytes still gather to watch her sermons;

Her movements are the orator,

And her body is a testament to her dedication and artistry;

An idol worthy of worship, forged with grace and favour;

Are we not all misfits in comparison?

Looking on at this exquisite creature for answers,

With prayers and offerings for salvation;

A shadow dancer of old, making contortions in slow-motion ;

Leaving all that befall her fanatics enthralled and slack-jawed, even after all this time,

Belying the truth: we have not evolved as much as we’d like to believe;

And remain mesmerised by the beauty of movement given life!

The Many Lives of An Ant

I am but an ant, looking up at the night sky trying to make sense of the stars;

A simple admirer of the written word, marvelling at the trials and tribulations masterfully depicted in the works of Shakespeare;

An honest family man, watching on at the antics of Machiavelli’s brood, nursing a slow-burning flame of anger threatening to turn into wildfire;

A hypochondriac marvelling at a physician delivering exactly what the doctor had described, only to long for an ‘undo’ when there is just no-can-do;

A starved, malnourished man, struggling to keep eyes open, within an alarmingly-thin skeletal frame, being forced to look on as you and I engorge ourselves on food in front of the TV;

A highly-educated professional working 14 to 16 hours a day to meet commitments, watching on as a life-long layabout wins £150 million on the Lottery and turns a new leaf of acceptability, receiving universal popularity and praise;

A War Leader amidst the utter devastation of battle marshalling the troops to move in for the kill, suddenly coming to an epipheny of peace;

You and I have lived many lives unto this moment, if the laws of rebirth and karma are to be believed;

Who ever you are or whatever you’ve done, individuality (rather than the pack mentality) appears to be the key to progress and longevity-

However far we have come, is still not as far as we must go,

We must therefore strive to be true at every juncture:

To others, and to you.

Christmas Eve!

I’m making my way home for christmas, with memories swirling around,

Passing carollers, couples and families, making their way to midnight mass near Muswell Hill;

Some of the parishioners have the distinct whiff of pub-crawlers who’ve been turned out at last call!

An eclectic mix to be certain celebrating a common bond,

While I am not of this faith, I find my natural cynicism washed away by a wave of optimism in any case,

Fuelled by a shared heritage that’s crept up on me unexpectedly  over time-

I may not be a wide-eyed child any more, my fondest memories tend to still surround:

Turkey, gravy, crispy roast potatoes and stuffing with extra sage please!

Minced pies, Christmas pudding, doused with brandy, and set alight to a gentle blue flame-

Voraciously gouged down with generous dollops of clotted cream!

Accompanied by mulled wine and appetisers, until your stomach literally strains to keep it all in!

Watching the Queen’s annual message at 3:00pm feeling more uncomfortably full than civic;

Followed by the Christmas Movie and the Eastender’s Double Bill, joining in with a collective mock-gasp at the inevitable shocking end!

No, it’s not the food (though, I can’t help but look forward to it);

Or, the memories (which are a mixed bag, if I am honest!);

Or, even, the veneer that comes from reflecting through rose-tinted spectacles, at greener pastures, that weren’t truly green at all,

What I am truly looking forward to this christmas is: to spend some time with my family, and not a mention of work, if I am lucky!!

Lost at Sea

Myth is a mystic;

She washes her waves over me;

Freezing cold, I shake like a rattle snake in my dreams,

Only to wake to find, life is not a dream;

I cautiously stand on a half-submerged float, amidst an intemperate sea;

Uninterrupted, in every direction, as far as one can see save for sky and sea,

Empty pails in every available space to collect fresh water, from a threatened rain that has yet to descend;

Keeping my footing, I climb the make-shift mast and shape my body into a crucifix facing the sky,

You could almost mistake the sound of lapping water, for the applause an acrobat receives at performance’s end;

Dark clouds and faint wisps of light mingle and compete for supremacy and dominion overhead,

While despair and loss are twin cruel cherubs, tormenting my gnawing hunger ‘n’ thirst for sport,

I close my eyes at hearing the rumble of thunder, signalling an end to the drawn-out competition above,

‘Please, some water…’, a cherished plea… too precious to be spoken aloud,

Lest it give sucre to my tormentors, and leave my already-ravaged will defenceless against their onslaught!

An exhaustion-ridden smile escapes my lips despite my extremity, as the first droplets of rain splatter across my cheek;

A clap of thunder and a downpour at a tropical, frantic, pace-

Like evenly-paced applause turning by ear alone to a standing ovation in an instant,

A sea of a million water sprouts: like a storm of needles, striking a sea of translucent bubble wrap, bursting in unison, ad infinitum, in-near muted silence:

I open my mouth, dehydrated to parchment, to receive this precious gift to prolong this life a little longer than expected,

A fragile grace in this hostile landscape, perhaps not enough to find landfall or rescue,

And, I may find myself repeating this exhaustive dessolate battle in a few days yet again,

Whatever happens, this gives me hope and that is nearly as sweet as swallowing this fresh water to nourish my innards, for a day longer at least!

Lanka Oh Lanka!

IMG_5793Lanka oh Lanka,

Though art so beautiful,

It’s not that I don’t know you,

But I feel I am only now beginning to discover the true beauty of you!

My observations may be a little naive, for I awakened to the realities of life far far away from you,

Thankfully, the animosities that arose then and stuck, have nothing much to do with you,

What I recall of this place consists of a mirage of fragmented images, textures, full of warmth, borne by the innate innocence and naivety of youth,

To the holder of these fragmented thoughts, standing under the shade of a mighty jack fruit tree (as he does now), the reality seems not too far from those long-remembered truths;

Leave this young adult to his momentary escapes, and the child that he was to his abiding memories;

Away from the full harsh scheme of this place,

For we all need to hope of a better place and a better time to keep a firm footing at times,

It is at the very core of what it means to be you and I!


The Scarecrow Outside My Window
The Scarecrow Outside My Window

There’s a scarecrow outside my window,

It’s always bobbing from side to side in the wind,

A bit scary in winter, when its bones are exposed,

And truly terrifying in the long nights, when shadows join it in its dance ‘n’ play,

Never the less, it does what a scarecrow is meant to do:

Keeping nightmares, predators, opportunists and thieves in the night at bay,

And occasionally taps on my window, to let me know that it’s there,

Providing this man-made-child a reassuring, restful, night’s sleep,

In spring, my scarecrow sprouts leaves which he uses to sing a rustling, bustling hymn…

To keep us company through the summer days in celebration of its return to flesh!

My Daddy says he’s a grumpy ol’ sod for messing up his shiney new car with his poop, oily bits and what-not,

Though I love him all the same, ’cause he’s the only scarecrow I got,

And if you look around outside, you’ll see that I’m not the only kid who does!!! 🙂