

Nothing is a surprise

Every action supplemented by-

Trickery, half-truths, feints, pretence & lies

Deniability, the weapon of choice-

Acquisition, strict control & protection of ‘controlled information’, their 24/7 obsession

Maintaining an inconsistent narrative (with hardly an affinity to fact or reality) under the guise of ‘plausibility’,

Overstating the one, undermining the other, whilst appearing to be neutral & maintaining detached professionalism to onlookers (when you’re anything but),

Professional deceivers, confidence men (and, women) of sorts!

You don’t think so? Arn’t you just the gullible sort!

Designed to conceal, cajole, embellish & undermine-

The primary tools in their belt of surprisingly few tools/resources, save a preponderance & an over saturation of lies ,

For us homosapiens have changed very little since the beginning of time!

Maintaining order, parliamentary democracy is their publically-avowed objective & purpose,

The truth however, is likely a little more complicated to be certain!

What means & methods are employed & margin of discretion entertained (like with all positions of authority) is likely very wide,

Dependent upon an individual’s grasp of what’s right, not, & propensity to tolerate lies,

I am not saying you cannot be a good man (or woman) or honourable and a spy,

But this necessary secrecy of their occupation is likely eroding their sense of self slowly from the inside;

A little more each day with each concealment & miss-direction, authorised,

Gradually, turning you into a hermit by stealth or borderline schizophrenic, over time,

Or, find comfort instead in your ‘tradecraft’-

By sharing your secrets among your inner circles, keeping to your codes and self-made rules:

Carefully designed to keep persistent questions at bay,

To buy you a restful night’s sleep,

To assure yourself that, by your actions; you were not a cruel man (or woman) yesterday, nor complicit in torture today,

All you have done is what is necessary (which another would have done in your place or had you passed up the opportunity),

And, you have the support & backing of your superiors at the HO, MoD & FCO!

That is all well & good, & I wish you a contended, un-interrupted, restful sleep if that is your view;

However, what happens on the day, when the rule of unintended consequences flies a spanner in the works of this well-oiled & practised machinery,

Laying bare all the titbits for public consumption?

Will they be delighted or find the whole affair distasteful?

Whatever their view, be sure to hear the clamour to the door as you absorb the pragmatic volt face in recrimination, of this erstwhile diligently practised stealthy art of war!

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