A war-torn landscape,
A significant show of faith,
New gun laws, end up being a non-law,
A week full of tragedy & pain, with no end,
Intercepted envelopes, laced with poison;
Foiled assassination attempts,
Coupled with indiscriminate violence,
Sink holes,
Shoot-outs, explosions, car-chases, a city-wide lock-down, and manhunts through the night,
While across the sea, an iron lady is laid to rest by over-the-top pageantry-
No one cried, save a grown man who holds the key to the treasury-
Perhaps, he was regretting a further downgrading by yet another credit agency!
A strange, unconnected, juxtaposited mix;
Leaving me thinking, is it the season of mad men (not the show) and craziness all-round?
All said and done, I have realised:
I pay far too much attention to the news-
And, I’m going to *try* to go cold turkey from now on!